All materials contained in this blog are protected by copyright laws, and may not be reproduced, republished, distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcast
or otherwise exploited in any manner without the express prior written permission of the owner, the author, authors or sources of said materials.


January 26th, 2020 The RUN is 4 out of 4 Weeks.
Waist high or better at least once a week.

There were waist to chest high waves on 1-19-20, 1-20-20,
and Chest to Head High on 1-24-20 and 1-25-20

Send your SURF Pics to me directly to
Need photos by 12 noon on Saturdays. 
Click on Archives link to see all the past Blogs and pics.

A Walk On The Beach With Patch. My Friend Johnny.


January 21st, 2020

I have a self regimented workout program where I will do 1,500 push ups every week. I do 500 on Monday, 500 on Wednesday, and 500 on Friday. I carve out an hour on each of those days, and do 50 push ups at a time, stopping at 500. Why am I telling you this? Well, I think that most older surfers like myself tend to slack off when there's no surf. So we need to stay in shape. I've been doing this for years. It works for me.

Part of my weekly workout program also includes taking long hikes with my dog Patch. Typically, I will run Patch on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. We will go about 3-5 miles each time. I try to average 10-15 miles per week. I walk/hike hard. And Patch just runs like the wind, and averages about 10 miles to my 5. (I'm not kidding). I usually run him in the woods. But when the snow gets too deep, it's harder for both of us. So, the beach is our next best option. The beach walk is about 4.2 miles.

Tuesday January 21st, 2020 was a perfect day to "Walk Hard" on the beach.

It was dead low tide, and Patch was firing on all cylinders straight out of the gate. It's important to know that Patch doesn't run on the beach, he flies on the beach. We always start on the North end of the beach and walk to Boars Head and turn around and head back. It's always a great walk.

We hit the beach and within 20 yards, we came up on these flowers. Now, I've done enough "Surfer's Paddles" over the years, so I instantly recognized that some sort of a memorial service had just taken place here.

I wasn't sure who it was for. But I instantly felt a sense of loss and sadness for whoever it was. I took these photos of the flowers in the sand. And I hope I am not intruding on someone's grief, but I thought these images were so powerful, and I just wanted to share them with you. We continued walking to Boars Head and then started our way back.

When we came back up on the flowers in the sand, I saw the hand written sign in the sand, and this rubber ball. I now assumed that "Greta" was a dog, and she loved this stretch of beach. My heart sank. Oh no...

Patch is 9 yrs old, and I know that his time is running out.

He has been running on this beach since he was a puppy back in 2010.

I gave "Greta" a salute, and tried to imagine what she was like as a puppy.
Our pets get ripped off in the big picture. Their average life expectancy is far shorter than we humans. Yet, we all know what we buy into, when we bring them home. And none of us would trade a single second of our time spent with our pets.

As I loaded Patch back into my vehicle, I gave him an extra hug, told him I loved him, and called him my "puppy". Because, they are all puppies. Even
at the end.

Keep dancing Greta. Keep dancing girl.

MY FRIEND JOHNNY. January 24th, 2020

Let's face it, sometimes life can be a kick in the teeth.

People get sick, or hurt, and things can really knock you down. Still, most of us fight back. We tend to overcome these obstacles that life throws at us, and we do what we need to do get by. My friend Johnny is one of these people.

He's been dealing with an ankle problem for a very long time. A debilitating nagging injury that has curbed his surfing to the point where he has to wear a cumbersome ankle brace. It's a hassle to put on, and it's really just a band-aid. It's not the end all to his situation. The only sure cure is surgery. Well, like most of us who have had to deal with sickness, injuries etc etc, nobody wants surgery. Nobody. It's always the last resort. Johnny had been putting it off for a couple of years.

But last year he and his wife decided to bite the bullet and have the surgery.

I share an office with Johnny and he has been present for many of my editing sessions over the last few years. I've shot a ton of video and stills of Johnny over the years as well. Last week we were talking of the possibility of him surfing one last time before the surgery, and the 4 to 6 month recovery period.

As luck would have it, the surf forecast was calling for a 2-4' swell on the morning of his surgery. He needed to be at the hospital by 10:45AM. That trip would be about an hour's drive. So he could feasibly get into the water at 6:15AM and surf to about 7:30AM, get home to shower, and he and his wife Lynn could make it to the hospital in time. And I would be there to capture his last surf session until he was strong enough to surf again.

Problem was he was getting resistance from home and I wasn't helping.

Truth is, only Surfers know what surfing is really all about. If you don't surf, you just don't know. And Johnny is one of the most hardcore surfers I have ever known in my life. Nobody surfs this particular break more than Johnny. Nobody. So I knew what he was thinking. I prodded him all week long. We would both smile and laugh, but I knew if there was any chance to pull this off, Johnny was gonna pull the trigger and paddle out.

Friday morning at 6:05AM my phone dinged. "Suiting up." It was from Johnny. I wrote back a one word reply. "BAM!"

I rolled out of bed, got dressed, and drove down to the beach.

It was still pitch black out by the time I pulled up to the beach. There was Johnny's truck. There were No other vehicles insight. I pulled up next to his truck thinking he would be there waiting for me, but he was not inside. "He paddled out in the dark?" Yup. I looked out and sure as shit, there he was. I could just barely make out this dark figure paddling over these dark shaped waves. I started laughing. "You crazy bastard Johnny."

For one fleeting moment I felt guilty. "Shit, what if he gets hurt?" I mean it was dark. My idea was to wait for first light. But this? Oh what the hell, I grabbed my camera and made my way down across the rocks, slipping and sliding on the wet kelp beds.

The first few photos were too dark. My camera could not pick him up in the low light. This was one of the first where you could see him. Still, it was blurry and out of focus. But I didn't care and I knew Johnny didn't care. He was getting his last surf session in, with or without my documentation.

I knew that these photos would be special, like this morning sunrise.

Waiting for a wave and contemplating his near future.

I captured every single ride he got. And he caught so many waves.

Once the light got better I was able to get some decent shots of him.

Eventually he was joined by his close dear friend Markey J. I waited for this shot because I've gotten so many of these in the past. Two close friends splitting the peak. Just a classic image.

His last wave before surgery and months out of the water.

Paddling in and feeling good about what he had just done.

We both looked back at the surf one last time.

I wished him a quick recovery and hugged him. "Love you Ralph" he said, "I Love you too Johnny." Then we both drove off. I later texted him: "That was a special session. I'm glad you went out. I'll email you the pics. Things are going to be alright. This is just a bump in the long road of life. A temporary setback. Heal up and get stronger. You have a wonderful wife in Lynn who will be by your side every step of the way. Your family and friends love you. Godspeed. With love and respect,

I heard from Johnny today. His surgery went well. He's a bit uncomfortable, but resting and taking it easy. Four to six months? I'm not sure the doctor knows Johnny well enough. Bottom line, he's going to be better than before. Maybe I'll let him use one of my cameras while he's in rehab. Nah, that would be asking for trouble. I'm just stoked that he's going to be fine.

"Surfing, Pets, and Friends, Heals All Wounds."

This is Mike Stanek who was a favorite subject of Ed's. Hell Stanek was/is a fave subject of all the photogs in this area. There's nobody like Mike both out in the water and on land. I have footage of him riding that board. He rides boards that he shapes himself and rides them like nobody else. I'm sure he missed Ed as much as well all do. Thank God I have an almost endless supply of Ed's pics. January 20th, 2010. Photo by Ed O'Connell
*Click the photo above to see a larger version of Ed's Pic.

Now for Some Local, National and International News
I'm guessing that you all are aware of the impeachment hearings. This guy has a job that I wouldn't want right now. We are living in historical times. There's no telling how this will all end up. But I'm hoping that whichever way it does end up, we will all start the path back towards healing. Because right now, there's so much hate in this country that I fear it will take years to recover.

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts holding court.
My take on all of this is, if this is really a "Hoax and a Witch Hunt" why not let witnesses and documents be presented so you could prove your case? Allow them and let the chips fall where they may. That seems to be the only honest way to go about this trial.
Allow them to be heard and then let's be done with it. Good Lord.
I'm personally sick of it all.

I'll be posting the next Blog on February 5th, 2020.

So here we are. SUPER BOWL 54. The San Francisco Forty Niners vs the Kansas City Chiefs. Yes it's still a bitter pill to swallow, but alas my friends, I'm getting over it. After all, you can't win them all. Though we almost did in 2007. Oh there I go again, slipping back into the past. Any way, my heart is into the 49'ers.

For two reasons. First reason Jimmy G. Yup...Jimmy G.

Jimmy G as most of you already know was the heir apparent to Brady's throne. But somehow some way they traded Jimmy G off to the 49'rs. Now isn't it ironic that we (Patriots Nation) are sitting home watching the game on TV while Jimmy G is playing in his first ever Super Bowl. Just two years after we let him go. Oh the horror. The inhumanity of it. Why oh why does stuff like this get on my nerves? Why? Because I'm a fan of the game.

Now the second reason? Mosert's Surfing celebration.

I've been a fan of this game since Bart Starr and Johnny U were playing. And I have to say, I have never ever seen anything like what I saw last week during the NFC championships. A surfing celebration in the End Zone! I damn near fell out of my seat when I saw it. I guess Mosert was or rather is a Surfer. Rumor has it that he was offered a contract at age 14 to surf. Now, I don't mean to be mean here, but I have seen him surf and seen him play football. he clearly made the right move by staying with the NFL.

And I will be rooting for him and Jimmy G. GO NINERS!

This man Don Gavin is the GODFATHER of Boston Comedy and he currently has the Number 5 Comedy Record in the country. I've seen Don Gavin a few times and he is very funny. He's also a good friend and equally funny man of Jimmy Dunn. Now I ask you all. What else do you need to know? Buy this album.

Click on this ad image and buy DON GAVIN'S new album.
Hey we all need to laugh.

ESM (Eastern Surf Magazine) using a READY MAG format did the Best of Ralph's Pic. And while they couldn't possibly use everything thing I've ever done, they did manage to put up some 50 pics of mine, plus two videos. And I was truly humbled by their intro. Mez said some nice things about me. CLICK ON THE IMAGE ABOVE TO SEE THE WHOLE Spread.


Before the Fathers and Sons movie I'm planning on another release. This too will be unique.

I'm calling it "FOR LOVE AND WAVES."
The story of couples who surf. Married couples. Single couples. Gay couples. Lovers who surf together. From SURF FREE OR DIE and RALPH'S PIC OF THE WEEK.

Posting on Valentines Day February 14th, 2020.

The DVD's are available at all the local surf shops. Or by
sending me an email. or send a check for $20.00 made out to ADLANTIC and send it here:

c/o OC Studio Suites
703 Ocean Blvd Suite C-4
Hampton, NH 03842

Or RENT or BUY it Online. You have spoken and I have listened. You don't have a DVD player so I made it available Online. Watch it on your Smart TV, your computer, or your cellphone! I can't make this any easier my friends.


KSM Photoshop of the Week
Now what in Sam Hill is going on here? KSM as a Supreme Court Justice Judge? Oh hell no. Can you imagine? No neither can I. This kind of shit only happens here in my Wacky KSM fantasy World. Khaliddy is like a modern day Charlie The Tuna. Sorry Charlie. Sorry Khaliddy. You're a POW at GITMO. And that is FOREVER. You are never getting out.

And so my friends, please take advantage of this weekly photo shop of the mastermind who planned 9-11 and resulted in the deaths of 3,000 innocent civilians by KSM (Khalid Sheik Mohammed).

*Note to self -must pick up a case of Black Robes
at Home Depot this week.

Each winter I run these promos form our friends in the mountains. LOON, CRANMORE, and PAT'S PEAK. Just click on these logos below to see what's happening up north.

New England's Most Accessible Resort
EXIT 32 off of 1-93

North Conway's Family Mountain
Located in North Conway, NH
Voted # 1 Ski Town in the country by USA Today

Southern New Hampshire's Family Friendly Mountain
Close To Home!

HAPPY Martin Luther King Day January 20th, 2020
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kody Grondin January 25th, 2020!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kelly Ciarmataro January 28th, 2020!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Shelly Berardini January 29th, 2020!
Heal Quickly Jacko Keefe and Johnny Meehan!
REST IN PEACE Walter Helfer January 14th, 2020!
PLEASE Keep longtime NH Surfer Greg Smith in your Prayers.

Lenny Nichols & Colin Madden 
Co-Directors, NNE District 
Eastern Surfing Association

Please Support ALL The photographers who contribute to
Ralph's Pic Of The Week
week for the last 13 years.
** BUY
a HIGH RES Photo from any of the weeks on RPOTW.

Remember my friends... Surfing Heals All Wounds
Pray for Surf. Pray for Peace. Surf For Fun.



I kept a daily BLOG when I surfed everyday during my
CATCH A WAVE FOR MOLLY. (Click On the Banner below)
Started on July 26, 2010 ENDED July 26, 2011.
A Wave a day for 365 consecutive days.

Yesterday- Another 10th Street Scene. Circa 1980's
(Below) There are so many stories that can be told about 10th Street. I plan on doing a movie about it someday. Meanwhile here's another image from the late 80's. They are from left to right front row: Walter Helfer, John Savastano, Lorraine Helfer, Vicki Castro, Jimmy Castro, and Kevin Grondin. Back row from left to right: Jacko Keefe, Joe Gedritis, and Nicole Castro. Don't we all wish that we could go back in time?
Photo courtesy of John Savastano

*Click on the photo above to see the ENTIRE VIDEO

To contact the advertisers below, simply click on the Ad itself. Anyone wishing to find out info about advertising here can do so by emailing me directly by clicking here. Ralph's Email I'll send you a template and other info on how you can become a paid sponsor

We highly recommend the various businesses and artists listed below. Why? Well simply put, each and every one of them is a Surfer, who lives the Surfing Lifestyle, and their business is a reflection of that lifestyle that we all love.

All PHOTOS BELOW SHOT THIS WEEK *Unless otherwise noted.  
Today- JOHNNY'S DAY Friday January 24th, 2020
Photos by RALPH

Daybreak. Friday January 24th, 2020. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) There he was, shooting out of the dark. Johnny Meehan.
Friday January 24th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

He caught so many waves in that short window of time.
Johnny Meehan. Friday January 24th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The waves were all his. He was alone for a good solid hour.
Johnny Meehan. Friday January 24th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


(Above) Surgery is no joke. Things can go wrong. (Just ask Dr Mark).
Here he sits alone with his thoughts, for those who have faced uncertainty, it's not a peaceful easy feeling. Johnny Meehan. Friday January 24th, 2020.

Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) He caught so many waves in that short window of time.
Johnny Meehan. Friday January 24th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) He was on fire out there. With that blood red sky and his rapid fire wave count. Johnny Meehan. Friday January 24th, 2020. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


(Above) Brett Zola paddled out and joined the party.
Friday January 24th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) For all the broken hearted. Friday January 24th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

When Markey J showed up all was complete. He's a good friend.
Friday January 24th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The sunrise was nothing short of beautiful.
Friday January 24th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) He couldn't have asked for a better send off.
Friday January 24th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) I couldn't tell you exactly how many waves he caught. Suffice it to say,
it was many. Or as he would say "Much much". Johnny Meehan.
Friday January 24th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Matt from Las Olas paddled out and caught a few nice ones.
Friday January 24th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) There's no question that I would have shot this swell, but the fact that it was Johnny's last go around for what could be 6 months made it special.
Brett Zola. Friday January 24th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Tuesday January 21st, 2020
Photos by RALPH

(Above) There were waves on this day. Tuesday January 21st, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Please turn the light off when you leave. Tuesday January 21st, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) What can I say? I like this view. Tuesday January 21st, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) I know it's not surf-able, but I love seeing these mind surfing waves
and using my imagination. Tuesday January 21st, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Today- Sunday January 19th, 2020
Photos by RALPH

(Above) Think this guy realized he was wearing shorts? Yeah...he did.
He was just snapping a quick pic to remember his session.
Sunday January 19th, 2020.

Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Victoria is featured in the GRANITE GIRLS Movie


(Above) This guy caught a few nice ones while I was there.
Sunday January 19th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This has been done a hundred times before. Yet, I can't resist shooting this angle with the fresh snow. Sunday January 19th, 2020. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery




(Above) The waves were small but perfect. For both long and short boards.
Sunday January 19th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) There something about a clean and green hollow wave at the wall.
Sunday January 19th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The best word to describe these waves was fun. It was fun.
Sunday January 19th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Just ask Patrick Hall. He and his buddy seemed to be enjoying themselves. Sunday January 19th, 2020. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) There were plenty of empty ones that got away.
Sunday January 19th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery



(Above) Mackey V Sans
mustache setting up for some lip smacking.
Sunday January 19th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


(Above) This was a first for me. I've never seen these guys do this before. They always used the sidewalk machine. They were stuck here for quite sometime.
Sunday January 19th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The waves just kept pouring in over the sandbars.
Sunday January 19th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Max on a nice left. Sunday January 19th, 2020. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Mackey V from a long sequence. Sunday January 19th, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Today- PATCH ON THE BEACH January 21st, 2020
Photos by RALPH

(Above) This day was perfect for running Patch on the beach.
Tuesday January 21st, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Click on image above to see more of Donna's work

(Above) And yes, there were waves out there. Tuesday January 21st, 2020. Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The reflection of the OC was what caught my eye.
Tuesday January 21st, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) There's a whole other world at your feet. We all need to stop and look down every now and then. You'd be surprised at what's down there.
Tuesday January 21st, 2020.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) It's no secret that I am an old sentimental fool. I can't help it. It's in my DNA. My father was like this. Stopping to remember. Like this home. I know it's history well. And I will always stop and pause to remember. The McCarthy home. Tuesday January 21st, 2020. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

check out the amazing sounds and songs of qwill

click on these images to see and hear the man who's
music I use more than 90% of the time in my videos



Today- The Central California Files. January 20th, 2020
Photos by El Chambo

(Above) By next weekend myself, Mackey, and Crop will be aboard these cool boats heading into a California dreamland. Monday January 20th, 2020.
Photo by El Chambo
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery



(Above) And hoping that we score waves like this. Monday January 20th, 2020.
Photo by El Chambo
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This is why I called it a California dreamland.
Are you kidding me? Monday January 20th, 2020.

Photo by El Chambo
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Oh and NO hood and No gloves. Just a 4/3. California dreamland. Monday January 20th, 2020. Photo by El Chambo
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) I think I speak for both Mackey and Crop when I say, WE CAN'T
WAIT! Monday January 20th, 2020.
Photo by El Chambo
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) I did something I've never done before. On Thursday January 23rd, 2020 this man Jay hammer called me from his cell phone as he was sitting on his Jet Ski at outside JAWS. To hear the excitement and fear in his voice was something I'll never forget. In spite of his taking risks I instructed him to get closer to get some decent photos. This is a pretty good view.
January 23rd, 2020.
Photo by Jay Hammer
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


(Above) Meanwhile somewhere down south in Barbados, Mike Rosa snags a nice blue green dream wave. Photo by Bella Rosa
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


CLICK ON THE PLAY BUTTON on each clip to view videos

SALSWALLA from Ralph's Pic Of The Week on Vimeo.

On January 26th, 2020 the NH and Mass coastlines were hit with a well groomed overhead swell with clean offshore winds. The air temps reached 50 degrees. That's crazy for this time of year in these parts. And the boys and the girls were out in full force. I missed the best of the best but managed to get a few good clips. The surfers are the usual suspects.
The soundtrack is by Jelly Jam.

TULSI and The Goofyfoots 1-1-20 from Ralph's Pic Of The Week on Vimeo.

On January 1st, 2020 Presidential Candidate TULSI Gabbard came to Hampton, NH to meet up with Dave Cropper owner of CINNAMON RAINBOWS and Lenny Nichols of the ESA-NNE to go Winter Surfing at the Wall at North Beach, NH. No other Candidate in the history of our country has ever gone surfing here before, let alone in the winter. This is a first. TULSI is the real deal. A War Veteran and a REAL Surfer. Anyone who has served our country in a war zone and who was willing to to paddle out into winter conditions here in New Hampshire has my respect and my vote.
TULSI has a "Soldier's Heart." She's the REAL DEAL.

NEW YEARS EVE 12-31-2019 from Ralph's Pic Of The Week on Vimeo.

The LAST Swell of 2019. There was size in the morning. But no sun to be found anywhere. I caught up with a handful of riders just to document the swell. The surfers that I know in this edit are: Jake Davidson, Perry Reynolds, Ian Dreher, Ryan Jackson, Mike Stanek, Alex Orestis, Artie Seaman, Skip Brunette, Johnny Reynolds and a few I couldn't ID. Music is by KOL.


This is two days in December. The 15th and the 18th. The 15th was as windy as I've ever seen it. And the 18th was just a nice day to be at the beach. I used BP again to move the visuals along. The surfers are: Kainalu Nichols, Max Fatello, Steve O'Hara, Jack Madden, Jon Kiskinis, Sarah Lang, and a few others I couldn't ID. Happy Holidays! *Watch in 1080 or better I shot this in 4K.

DECEMBER TO REMEMBER from Ralph's Pic Of The Week on Vimeo.

From December 1st to December 3rd, 2019 we had a NON-STOP snow and wind event. We got hammered with over a foot of snow and it was the wet and heavy stuff. Like shoveling cement. That was down side, the good side was we got a really powerful overhead swell that had all the points and reefs firing on all cylinders. It was almost epic. I hate to use that phrase unless it's really EPIC quality. The boys were out in force and they all made the best of it. I chose my old friend and guitar God Robin Trower to provide the soundtrack. I shot this in 4K so adjust your video player accordingly. Hope you enjoy this DECEMBER TO REMEMBER! Happy Holidays Everyone!

BLACK FRIDAY from Ralph's Pic Of The Week on Vimeo.

November 29th, 2019. "Black Friday" was a day for the locals to score some insane deals on getting some empty barrels. And the boys did just that. From the young Kainalu Nichols to the seasoned vet Kevin Grondin. The local boys had their day of great bargains. Nobody lost on this day. It was a BLACK FRIDAY to remember. And I know, I won't soon forget it.

HALLOWEEN SWELL 2019 from Ralph's Pic Of The Week on Vimeo.

I was trying to compare the HALLOWEEN SWELL of 1991 with this one the HALLOWEEN SWELL of 2019. But truth be told, there's no real comparison, other than they both fell on or around Halloween. Both days were windy. And both days had overhead surf. But the waves were bigger in '91 than '19. And the surf lasted an entire week in 1991 and only the one day in 2019. Still, it was a neat concept, the two Halloween storms. I will say that the thing that really got me was, there was only ONE PERSON out at 8:00 AM! ONE PERSON! Are you kidding me? It was weird seeing NO VEHICLES parked along the wall that morning. More people eventually went out, but for a while there, it looked like a Ghost Town. Any way, there's some cool looking waves here. Enjoy my 270th Video! *Watch in 1080


MELISSA from Ralph's Pic Of The Week on Vimeo.

What happens when a Tropical storm mates with a Nor'easter? Well, five days of waves is one thing. I shot on Day one and again on Day four. Yeah, I missed the big days. But I got the cleanest of the five. On Saturday October 12th, 2019 a good friend Markey J took off on a Bomb and got clobbered by his own board. The pics are at the end of this edit. But be forewarned, they are graphic. I posted the pics because I think it's important to remember to protect your head when you lose it out there. Too many head injuries the last 10 years or so. This one was one of the worse. Another inch or two to the left and we would be planning a paddle for Markey. Stay frosty out there. If anyone knows who the long haired Goofy foot from NY or NJ is please let him know.
Music is by AB.

Little LORENZO and his Ladder from Ralph's Pic Of The Week on Vimeo.

On October 1st, 2019 I did something that I've never done before. I carried a 10' step ladder out onto the slippery rocks and kelp to shoot the waves from Hurricane Lorenzo. The waves were just OK. They never really materialized the way they were predicting. But, the ladder? It was a major breakthrough as far as surf photography goes. Yeah it was awkward to carry, especially seeing how I had a back pack with two of my cameras. I took a lot of grief over this. Mostly from my family. They all thought I'd fall and break my neck.

I told them "They laughed at the Wright Brothers..." Ha ha.

Any way, my dear friend John Carden provided the cool soundtrack. I was looking for some Italian opera when out of the blue he sent me this track. It's pretty cool. *There was one negative aspect to this edit though. Some old guy on a Boogie Board was hassling everyone out there. He kept getting in the way and was just being a jerk. He caused one of the riders to lose a fin. And it was the only dark spot of what should have been a fun session. Oh well. Hope you enjoy Lorenzo.

HUMBERTO from Ralph's Pic Of The Week on Vimeo.

Tropical Storm Humberto produced two days of overhead surf to Northern New England. Friday September 20th, and Saturday September 21st, 2019.
I shot from the land and in the water. There are too many surfers to name. However, the music is by The CARS, VINNY, and MIGUEL TITO RODRIGEUZ. I dedicated to the edit to the late Ric Ocasek.
May He Rest In Peace.






Click on the image to purchase your copy

I'll be writing a review very soon on this book.
Meanwhile and pick up a copy. It's really good.

Click on the image to buy this book and
or to see more on KING'S X

Click on the image to buy this book and
or to see more on KING'S X

ALL RISE: The 10th Street District Court Of Surf is Now in Session.

The Honorable Judge RALPH presiding. CASE #559
BLATANT DROP IN OF THE WEEK- Click the image above to see the outcome of this Surf Crime and the
Verdict that was rendered.
Photo by @colbydeg

* Click on the photo above to see the OUTCOME.

TODAY! Sunday January 26th, 2020!

This looks really good!

This is what happens when you get caught doing something stupid.
You end up here. Roll your mouse over the image to see the Truth!

January 26th, 2020
"If I had to guess I'd say this guy hit a roadside bomb (IED). Hope wasn't too badly hurt. Unless you consider being posted here hurtful. Then yeah, he was hurt pretty bad."

(Above) This is not a case for NCIS but it probably should be.
Photo by Tony Berardini

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This site and blog maintained by ADLANTIC. 2020